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105 Capitol St., Suite 300, Charleston, WV 25301

Fraud Protection for Seniors

The list of scams against the elderly go on and on. But when the exploitation becomes personal, Good Grief Law is ready to take action. Financial exploitation occurs when a family member, friend, caregiver, or service provider uses the financial resources of an elderly person for personal benefit through threats, undue influence, thievery, or deception. These acts are criminal, but there may be civil recourse as well.

We can talk with a senior in a private setting, away from caregivers. If you believe you are being financially exploited, or if you have a family member who you believe is being financially exploited, reach out to us. We are always available to come to you or to meet at a location that is safe for our clients.

Common Types of Fraud:

Dishonest Contractors: Always check with the Better Business Bureau and ask for references. Never pay the full amount of the job upfront and only pay in full if you are satisfied with the completed project. If you suspect that a contractor is not being honest or fair, make a report to the consumer division of the Attorney General's Office.

Inappropriate or Abusive Caregiver: First, always go through a bonded agency for your home healthcare needs. If you have a friend or family member not related to your caregiver, tell them about the treatment you are receiving. If the person who is treating you badly or withholding medicine or care is a family member, call Adult Protective Services in your county. You can also call The U.S. Department of Justice’s National Elder Fraud Hotline at 833-372-8311. Staff there can connect you with local assistance. If the mistreatment or abuse takes place at a nursing home or assisted living facility, contact the state’s long-term care ombudsman. The number is required to be posted in all resident rooms at the nursing care facility.

Financial Exploitation: Never give personal information over the phone or to someone you do not know. Personal information includes your date of birth, social security number, address, and driver's license number. You can also appoint someone you completely trust as your power of attorney so that if you ever have a period of incapacitation, someone you do not trust will not be able to access your money. Another option is to sign up for a service that monitors suspicious activities on your accounts, such as LifeLock or EverSafe. If suspicious activity is detected on your accounts, they will notify you and help you with the steps you need to take to protect your finances.

For more information about fraud protection for seniors in Charleston, call us today.

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Fraud Protection for Seniors

The list of scams against the elderly go on and on. But when the exploitation becomes personal, Good Grief Law is ready to take action. Financial exploitation occurs when a family member, friend, caregiver, or service provider uses the financial resources of an elderly person for personal benefit through threats, undue influence, thievery, or deception. These acts are criminal, but there may be civil recourse as well.

We can talk with a senior in a private setting, away from caregivers. If you believe you are being financially exploited, or if you have a family member who you believe is being financially exploited, reach out to us. We are always available to come to you or to meet at a location that is safe for our clients.

Common Types of Fraud:

Dishonest Contractors: Always check with the Better Business Bureau and ask for references. Never pay the full amount of the job upfront and only pay in full if you are satisfied with the completed project. If you suspect that a contractor is not being honest or fair, make a report to the consumer division of the Attorney General's Office.

Inappropriate or Abusive Caregiver: First, always go through a bonded agency for your home healthcare needs. If you have a friend or family member not related to your caregiver, tell them about the treatment you are receiving. If the person who is treating you badly or withholding medicine or care is a family member, call Adult Protective Services in your county. You can also call The U.S. Department of Justice’s National Elder Fraud Hotline at 833-372-8311. Staff there can connect you with local assistance. If the mistreatment or abuse takes place at a nursing home or assisted living facility, contact the state’s long-term care ombudsman. The number is required to be posted in all resident rooms at the nursing care facility.

Financial Exploitation: Never give personal information over the phone or to someone you do not know. Personal information includes your date of birth, social security number, address, and driver's license number. You can also appoint someone you completely trust as your power of attorney so that if you ever have a period of incapacitation, someone you do not trust will not be able to access your money. Another option is to sign up for a service that monitors suspicious activities on your accounts, such as LifeLock or EverSafe. If suspicious activity is detected on your accounts, they will notify you and help you with the steps you need to take to protect your finances.

For more information about fraud protection for seniors in Charleston, call us today.



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(304) 993 - 6200

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